Staking a Claim: Authorship, Attribution, and Authentication

05 Oct 2018
12:15 pm-12:45 pm

Staking a Claim: Authorship, Attribution, and Authentication

From photographs and paintings, to musical work sand poetry, the value of many types of creative works lies in their attribution and provenance. But the lack of reliable records of ownership and authorship makes buying and selling them risky and leaves authors and creators uncredited and often unpaid. This panel will examine how entrepreneurs are leveraging blockchain and other technologies to create verified records of a work’s origin and history.

​Jessica Sobhraj, CEO, Cosynd
Robert Norton, CEO & Co-Founder, Verisart
Jackson Turner, Partner, Soundchains
Drew Waters, Vice President, VEVA Sound
Moderator: D.K. Smith, CMO & Co-Founder,